Saturday, December 13, 2008

Protect Your Harddisk

Harddisk is a component that we use it for saving many data in our computer, but may be often our harddisk be in problem which make we be dislike, So we must to protect it always.

May be you ever get the following problem

1 Any important files deleted suddenly.
2 You have many letter drive name and without voluntary you get lose the data by formatted at a drive letter even eraser the harddisk partition and your date be lose
3 Or you prefer to use all of new harddisk. for lokked nice as the best computer with any of harddisk inside of it.
4 Virus make lose the data include your important file.
5 Your Harddisk get mulfunction, it is can happen if the storage in media have full and harddisk get the crash.

We discuss about the bad thing that doing by computer consumer

Delete file voluntary: The people not so often in usng computer, so rare in this wrong. Because he is put file carefully at harddisk and avoid the "delete" button. BUt this is often we get it at the people whom have the skill in computer. may be swith off the alarm at the windows system, because he think this is inconvenien. His comment, why we give the warning want to delete file or directory, it is an habit. In ordinary the expert man in computer, he set up computer with swith off the not important thing. in one time,in fact the imortant file in directory is erased voluntary without the warning before.

formatted harddisk voluntary : This action is rare happen at them, whom arrange the important file in harddisk. For the man that have the experience will put the file in harddisk with certain drive letter. Example: save the important at 1 harddisk and second harddisk. when using format, will do it carefully by look rightly back at drive letter will be formatted not drive letter or harddisk with important data.

Recover data in harddisk (storage)

Before software company make the software recovery harddisk. losing in harddisk in a bad dream

But now have any software that can back up any software that have losed. if you voluntary losed your data, like partition at harddisk, logical drive deleted aor harddisk voluntary erased. provide the following step

* as good as possible using 2 harddisk. Harddisk that in lose the data is used as the second harddisk. The first hardist is using as the recovery system and mkae the back up data taht have be gone.
* If you have 1 harddisk with boot system by 1 partition as Primary Partition. as good as you not use the harddisk for recovery. Use the other harddisk for recovery by install the software data recovery. This effort for protect your file from lose permanently
* If you have any drive letter like: C,D,E. you can use the hardist for recovery data. but you not install writing activity at drive letter that fill the important data and erased volutary. as the example, your data in drive E. so, you can not use Drive letter E for install anything programs. data recovery program you put it in the other drive, D and C.
* If voluntary you erased your harddisk. You can't use the harddisk for installing software. Use the other hardist for searching your data that be lose.
* inspite of your harddisk have losed the information or you harddisk get the problem like bad sector. System recovery data can back your data again.
* Data Software recovery only back up you data that have lose in voluntary. but not back up your partition like the first time.

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