Saturday, December 13, 2008

Back up The File Have Losed

Undelete file or back up again file have be lose is not so difficult. Much utility software by add undelete file fitur.

Example Tune-Up have the tool for searching file or directory that losed at a drive letter. or recover all with the potention for searching the lose file. The utility Software can search the name of file that have losed, and choose is the lose file condition is good or right. Undelete file Software need input from consumer for back original file. Because at WIndows system, file that losed wll erased the infront character. Example: file "anggaran.xls" still found with name ?nggaran.xls. and first character have to include manually.

Back the data at partition or drive letter that have losed/erased
Any software can take data from a storage that have losed until logical drive or drive letter or the information at the partition. Mean, a harddisk that (blank) in fact still can seek the scrap data from file in harddisk.

The Potention of software :

* Support FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS
* Recover file file that erased include folder
* Back again lose file from partition and formatted by quick system / QUICK.
* Back again the data from storage that can not access again or corruption file by sector searching
* Support multi disk format like IDE until SCSI
* Work at Windows system 95 - XP and 2003 for Stellar

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