Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tips To Guard your computer security and your data

Inspite of that you an expert of computer if you not be carefully, you will be hacked. be carefull at you computer, when you open the mail, or the attacjmant at mail.

I make this article for reading by netter, i think this can a void from many problem unlikely. some of the following tips can prevent yourself from hacked.

1. Be carefull to the pishing sites, that very much revolve at this time. (like: - the correct and - G-changed by Q), Don't come to the site inspite of only for looking, if you still be lay at the computer security and internet.

2. don't come to many sites from email click / e-mail link because can make your click is used fro downloading active-x that can hijack your browser. except if you know that link is safety or for activating registration. 90% people hacked because this factor or the computer injected the spyware / virus

3. Always use Mozilla FireFox that have tooken it security. It security is the best then the other browser, include IE7.0

4. Use Firewall at you computer, you can use ZoneAlarm free version which can be downlaod at zone labs

5. Often for update your windows by newest patch for whom has the original lisense of windows
6. very good if the computer is comlicated by antivirus dan antispyware or you can use free one here Ewido

7. Don't open the investation account or the other important account at the computer in ciber net or the other one, that have not the firewall or taht you not be sure thaht computer is safety for using, because your account can hacked by keylogger(the program that type your activity at keyboard) and very good if you chech the windows star up before you begin your activity at the computer and off the access that you think dangerous with use the program like the hijack this!

8. Don't downlaod attachmant file in e-mail if you not know the e-mail is come from, especially the e-mail came from abroad (english language)

9. don't install the free program that you download from the site that you not sure to it. or you download it from P2P program like: lime wire, iMesh or BearShare because the program may be have the virus or spyware

1 comment:

  1. Hi, salam kenal.
    Saya kalo scan virus sering banget detect cookie, kayak cookie.doubleclick, cookie.advertising, etc. Ini bahaya ga sih sebenarnya? Udh ke delete, tapi ntar muncul2 lagi. Kalo dari observasi saya, ini datangnya dari tiap kali saya cek posisi website saya di google. Any idea?

    Oya, saya udh taro link nya di blog saya: Mudah2an berkenan untuk link balik. :)


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