Sunday, November 30, 2008

Searching sites and web information giver

Are you very much website that give the information to us about website and the information that help us for checking some thing. We will appear some of the searching sites here.
This site is function for checking the site status,the information that appear like:
a. Site possessor, name (personal / company), address, telephone, etc
b. registration date and date to expire a site
c. Server in hosting di mana? and IP can be look from the country from

2. www.alexa
This is the rating site, traffic controller and a rank from a site. it is type the traffic from each of the websites and make it ranking alot of netter which come to the site. Situs yahoo!, MSN dan google is site that very much visitor at this time, from the date from alexa tracker

This site is used for domain check (www) is have used or not use yet and this site also sell the domain and offer the desigh website (web design), site hosting (web hosting), SSL sertificate, domain transfer etc. and this site also provide some information for netter in checking the sites.

4. www.submitexpress www.freewebsubmission
If you have a site and you want your site be famouse by netter and included to search engine, here sure that you very need to aboth of the site. twice of the website will help you automatically in regitrade your sites to 40 search engine like google, yahoo, msn, astalavista and the other and also include to the derectory. it is also gather much of information that will help you in increasing you site rating

5. webstats4u
if you want to see your site statistict, like how much the visitor, the page that accessed, from the where country the visitor come, may be you need to this site. Webstat4u is one of the statistict typed that very popular.

6. Google - Yahoo
i know that you have know with the site, the very famous search engine at this time. Google have give it site accord the country code like: (for indonesia territorial), (for england) so it searching is very suitable for each of the territorial

Tag: ,,,,,,,,

1 comment:

  1. terima kasih telah mampir ke blog saya,...
    tukeran link??? dengan senang hati, boooosss


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